יותר מזום לדוברי/ות אנגלית Beyond Zoom

שנתי סמסטר, שני 10:15

With the outbreak of the corona crisis, we have all adopted emergency instruction via Zoom but instruction via zoom is not the only way to teach remotely nor is it the most effective way, in most cases. What are the alternatives to Zoom and what are the principles for building a good remote learning course? What problems and difficulties are inherent in remote learning and how can they be addressed?

In the workshop ‘Beyond Zoom’ we will aim at answering some of these questions, clarify the pedagogical principles of remote learning, and present practical examples of tools that can be integrated into your courses.

The workshop is built asynchronously (pre-recorded lectures and accompanying assignments) and self-paced between the designated dates. During this time period, we hope to give an opportunity to describe issues that you have encountered and to discuss solutions with us and with your colleagues.

Additional Information:

Workshop facilitator: Dr. Michal Schodl

Beyond Zoom